Chief Executive’s comments – Justin Ratcliffe

CAB previews the year ahead

Despite what the pessimists predict we may find that 2010 is like 2009 in that it turns out to be not quite as bad as everyone feared. While we limp out of recession by a whisker a focus for our sector will be on the conveyor belt of regulations, standards and best practice issues which will absorb large quantities of both industry time and media interest.

One consistent theme though for CAB and other material trade bodies will be to continue to enhance their own brand values. A key factor in this is the annual events programme for members.

In membership organisations the 80/20 rule often prevails. You can provide 80% of the membership value but members need to become active in order to extract the remaining 20%. Hence a programme of regional members’ meetings, seminars, conferences, annual dinners and exhibitions become vitally important in driving activity levels which also directly influence retention.

CAB has launched an exciting programme that aims to not only keep members in touch with key industry issues, but also to be interactive and encourage some excellent networking with key figures throughout member supply chains.

In brief, key features of the 2010 CAB programme are:
2-4 March – CAB Aluminium Area at Ecobuild 2010, Earls Court
18 March – Regional Members’ Meeting at Assembly Rooms & Roman Baths, Bath
13 May – 6th Annual CAB Technical Conference, Stratford
9 July – CAB AGM/Golf & Activities - Carden Park, Chester
23 September – Regional Members’ Meeting at RBS Williams F1 Conference Centre, Oxfordshire
17 – 20 October – CAB at BEST 2010, NEC

The Regional Meetings will include the new concept of the mini-conference that will focus on contact with senior representatives within sector supply chains. The final programme will also include contracts seminars and a number of regional breakfast meetings to increase contact with existing and potential members unable to attend other events.

In late 2010 we will start planning for the 2011 UK Aluminium in Renovation Awards, highlighting our material’s sustainability credentials. This will also draw attention to the work that CAB is an active partner in which is to establish a worldwide Responsible Aluminium Scheme.

With our new Technical Team of Patrick England (Technical Consultant) and Martin Ford (Technical Support Officer), combined with a strong event programme, we have a lot to be very positive about for the new year. So 2010 is when the really hard work starts ...