Taped up

Iso-Chemie has launched a new aluminium tape for sealing joints in building and industrial applications
Iso-Butyl Alu tape is a butyl rubber aluminium/plastic compound film-based tape which can be used to seal both internal and external joints and overlaps (timber-frame, metalwork, container construction, conservatories, air-conditioning and ventilation construction etc).
The water and gas proof, self adhesive tape, which is solvent and bitumen-free, does not cause corrosion and is resistant to ageing, weathering and UV light. It is quick to apply for immediate functionality, providing a standalone air tight seal.
It can be used on absorbent surfaces like concrete and plaster when used in conjunction with the ISO-TOP pre-treatment primer. Iso-Butyl Alu tape comes in three 10m roll length options: 50mm, 100mm and 150mm.
01207 566874